If you were to rank the foods that contribute greatly to your health,  the fruits would rank higher! Just because fruits constitute nutrients, minerals, and dietary fibers that our body needs to function properly and become healthier. There are more than 2,000 fruits varieties that are highly nutritious and so delicious that we managed to share with you some of the benefits that the fruits can have on your health, so let's dive in and find it out!

What are the nutrients we can find in fruits?

We can find the following nutrients and minerals in fruits:

  • Calcium
  • Fibers
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C  etc

Some people might underestimate fruits because they don't know how good they are for their health, but they're so important if we want to live healthily and prevent most of the diseases. Here are some of their importance to our body:

Eating fruits might help in fighting the cancer

Even though some researches are not very clear on that, but some types of fruits are important in cancer-fighting in the body and make it a lot easier to cope with the side effects of treatment for those who have got cancer. for example, antioxidants are nutrients found in fruits that play an important role in boosting our immune system that works to prevent cancer cells.

Eating fruits will keep your bones stronger

Magnesium is among the minerals that strengthen our bones besides calcium and can be found in the fruits like bananas. magnesium strengthens our bones and therefore help us to prevent bone deformity and fractures due to the bone weakness 

Normal blood pressure

Some of the minerals like potassium help our body to maintain normal blood pressure, the mineral is found in fruits like avocado, banana, and watermelon. It relaxes the walls of the blood vessels and the more potassium you eat the more sodium you lose through urine and it is in this way the normal blood pressure is maintained.

Healthy teeth, gums, and wound healing

Vitamin c is found in citrus fruits like lemons, mandarin orange and helps to keep our teeth and gums healthy from bacterial infections. Some of the diseases affecting the teeth and gums are tooth decay, gingivitis, sensitive teeth, and oral cancer.

Fruits might help to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Fruits with vegetables contain nutrients that work as the antioxidants that help the body to reduce the risks of developing atherosclerosis (the formation of plaque in arteries by cholesterol) consuming fruits might help to reduce the risks of developing cardiovascular disease even though you have also to apply other tactics but eating healthily is also another point.