Learn how to keep your eyes healthy while you are on the screen

Have you wondered what you could use to prevent eye defects during the on-screen prolonged activities? I am going to share with you all possible effective ways to prevent eye disorders while you are on screen.

since many people might use electronic devices like smartphones and computers during their work for many hours, most of them tend to suffer from prolonged screen exposure defects to their eyes and they might be wondering what to do at least to maintain the health of their eyes while on the screen.

It has been discovered that many eye defects are resulting from prolonged on-screen exposure even though most people do not mind their eye safety while using those devices. so, if you would like to know all you can do from now and on to prevent all those associated risks, please keep reading 

💻 Table of content:
  1. What is the screen light?
  2. What are the health-related risks with prolonged screen exposure?
  3. Measures to prevent associated risks 
  4. Conclusion 

What is a screen light? 

Some of the sun's light rays are dangerous to our eyes like ultraviolet, even though the screen light does not have such light rays, it has noticeable dangerous effects on the eyes when there is a long exposure on the screen. the screen's light  is blue and it is among the several colors in the visible light spectrum (ROYGBIV: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet)

Each of these lights has its wavelength and energy level. In this way, blue light has a shorter wavelength between 400-490 nanometers and a higher energy level than other colors, which makes it dangerous to the health of our eyes.

What are the health-related risks with prolonged on-screen exposure?

Spending a lot of time scrolling your phone screen or on your computer's screen working, reading, or doing any other activity during nighttime brings about many eye  health disorders that I tried to talk about briefly in the section below

1. Blurry vision

Working for a long time period of time on screen, playing games, watching TV, or even other activities on your computer may lead to blurred vision due to the condition known as computerized vision syndrome (CVS) and you experience hardly determination of the image.

2. Prolonged screen time may lead to cancer and heart diseases

The study conducted by researchers like Professor Jason Gill in Uk showed that the people who spend more time on their screen and those people who work the night shifts have greater chances of developing cancers like prostate cancer, and breast cancer especially in those with low fitness, low muscle strength, and physical activity level

3. Screen time and  health of the eyes

Among many disastrous effects of prolonged screen time on the health of the eyes is that it can cause the state of dry eyes and it tires out the eye muscles which limit the proper focusing of the eye.
It not only cause dry eyes but also headache, neck and  shoulder pain may result due to many hours spent on the screen

Measures to prevent prolonged on-screen exposure eye defects

1. Have time to relax from your screen

Since many people have to do the jobs that require them to sit and deal with their work on the computer and they have to sit staring at their screen for a long time, they might consider it taking a nap and relax from their screen and they would be back after some period of time when their eyes are refreshed.

2. Prepare the meal rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A improves the vision of the eyes, so, it's worth preparing a meal rich in vitamin A to help prevent eye defects due to prolonged screen time.

3. Use eye-glasses and other products that reduce light emoted by the screen

Some products can help you while you're going to spend more time on the screen to keep your eye healthy. 

In conclusion

We have stepped into the digital world where the usage of smartphones, computers, and other electronics have become the core of our every daily life even if it is good it is also destructive to our health when it is uncontrolled. So, we have to be conscious of the health of our eyes and try all the best we can to keep them healthy while we are on screen. I hope that you found this information helpful if you were having trouble with your eyes.

Don't miss out on the next update about healthy-living tips and if you have a suggestion, let me know in the comment section below, and don't hesitate to contact me.

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