Maintaining the health of the foot

Have you wondered about the effective ways you can use to ensure the health of your feet?

Although wearing shoes promotes some kind of protection to the feet, this doesn’t imply the total health and wellness of the feet! You might be considering putting on your shoes as the thing to do for the health of your feet, but it is less effective when it comes to the prevention of diseases that attacks your feet. this can be referred to as the primary protection for the feet because it is not effective alone

But, are you curious to reach further and know other different health care tips for the feet? If so, please keep on reading the post to know more about the health of the feet, I hope you’ll find it helpful

Knowing the structure and the functions of the foot

The foot plays a major role in the body’s normal fully functioning. Besides its role of allowing us to perform movements, ability to stand, and other mechanical supports, it performs other roles which we are hardly aware of like it supports the normal functioning of other organs and we are going to talk about it in the next corresponding sections.

When we consider the science of reflexology (it is a system of massage used to relieve tension and treat illness, based on the theory that there is a reflex point of each organ on the feet, hands and it is believed to be linked to every part of the body) it makes it clear that feet and hands are the perfect microcosm (this is where the right part of the body be represented by the right foot and the left part of the body be represented by the left foot of the body)

This image shows us the feet with  reflexive points of the most organs

It is real that all body organs have their reflexive points on the feet, so attention is necessary about the way you monitor the health of your feet because any kind of injury or illness might trouble the health of other body parts.

So, let’s emphasize the relation between the functioning of the body’s organs (body parts) and feet.

Relation between the function of organs and feet

1. Head, brain, and toes

Although it seems fantastic, it’s the reality. When you have a headache or anxiety or when you’re experiencing uneasiness with those parts related to the head and brain, messaging the foot can be used to relieve the pain or stress since the feet are innervated with nerves. this massaging has a positive impact on the overall health of the brain.

2. Heart

Our heart is among the most important organ in the body since it supplies the blood to the whole body and other organs depend on the nutrients in that pumped blood. 

The reflexive point of the heart on the foot is said to be on the left side of the ball, therefore massaging this point improves the blood flow in the body and it is highly important to the overall circulatory system including the health of the heart.

The impact of the feet on the whole body is not limited to the brain, head, and heart but also it counts high percentage in determining the health of the whole body.

Why ensuring the health of the feet?

Regardless of all reasons, the health of the feet needs consideration for the sake of the rest of the body parts. since we’ve come to know the kind of relationship that exists between feet and other body parts, we have seen that the foot can be a relieving point for the pain and other abnormal reactions of the body through massages and other pain-relieving technics involving the foot. So, we have to be sure of the health of the feet to avoid related bad outcomes.

The common feet-related diseases 

            1. Athlete’s foot

The athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that often starts between the toes of the foot. It mostly affects the people who are highly exposed to the wetness of their feet (they do not clean well their toes to remove all water) or because their feet had become very sweaty while wearing tightly fitting shoes.     

This disease can spread easily to other body parts like hands only by scratching the infected parts, also it can spread from one person to another when they share the same personal items. When it spread to the nail it can cause fungal nail infection.

For the treatment of this infection, you can simply visit the pharmacists and its treatment are commonly available as cream, sprays, and powders

            2. Back and knee pain

This may result from foot disorder, disease, or sport-related foot injury. For instance, conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, or stress fractures may cause your walking pattern to change a little bit to avoid hurting your feet even more. This can affect your posture and balance, putting stress on other body parts.

            3. Diabetic foot conditions

After a period of time, diabetes disease can lead to nerve damage also known as diabetic neuropathy which causes tingling and pain and it might make you lose sensation in your feet

Maintaining the health of feet

It is not limited only to the diseases stated above that affect the foot, but many other diseases remained uncovered. but the key for the maximum health of your foot is knowing and practicing the feet-health related habits for preventing vast of foot-related diseases. So, we are going to see exactly what to do to sustain the health of our feet!

  • Use foot-stretching shoes where it is possible, for instance when you’re home it is better to use those kinds of shoes 
  • Wash them with warm water and dry them, you can even  apply body lotion to moisturize them
  • Regular check-up for cuts and other abnormal signs
  • Put on the shoes that allow your feet to breathe (not tight shoes)
  • If you don’t get positive outcomes after trying all of the listed basic health practices, you might consider visiting the doctor

If you used to have any kind of foot disorder, try those tips and make it a lifestyle to live healthy and happy. I hope you found this information impactful to you, let me know what's your conditions and what you think in the comment section below maybe I can help. Finally, if you like health updates on how to live healthy and happy don't miss out on the next health update post,  be blessed.

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